To scroll down straight to our inquiry form--select this diamond:

The main appeal and major advantage of the Net found by Van-Daaz's management team when they decided to go On-Line as early as the beginning of 1995 was its amenability to service oriented companies. E-Mailing across the continent and the ability to include large bodies of text, pictures and graphics in Net pages spelled, immediately, communication and flow of information--the foundations of service--at virtually no cost to the customer. The net has instantaneously been adopted, therefore, as the vehicle of choice of Van-Daaz for its mass marketing strategy.

To that effect, our e-mail address, vandaaz@vandaaz.com, is open for mail 24 hours--BUT WAIT!--most of your inquiries may be carried out through on-line forms carefully designed to match most of your inquiry needs.

Through our pages you are offered the special services of comperative shopping if you shopped around already, the unique ability to tailor your shopping to your taste & preferences and have a customized purchase, a vast selection of diamonds and quality crafted, selected jewelry, a Q&A service ( Ask us anything about diamonds) which you can always approach, before or after your purchase and, finally, our special 7-Day Money Back Guarantee ( less S&H charges; -for details please see our "Is it Safe?" document).

Furthermore, the ability to communicate freely with the client on the 'Net' allows us ample room for educating the novice regarding what is a diamond and what to look for when shopping for a diamond- a privillege not always present in other media !

All our customers may call us toll-free from 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. (ET) at a special number that we provide them with. In order to continue to pass the saving and low prices to you we keep our toll free lines for final closure information exchange and after sale inquiries. For all other purposes we have developed our unique and comprehensive, on-line forms.

For international inquiries or other voice communication 'musts' you may reach us at:

+1 (514) 697-5046

A special 800 number is reserved for clients who have affected a purchase from us

Related documents with complimentary information: About Van-Daaz, and It is Safe!.

If you have already some question, commentary or suggestions regarding our policies and procedures, or about diamonds in general or ours in particular-- please let us know !

Van-Daaz is committed to the principle of maintaining all personal information submitted and/or communicated to it strictly confidential and to not allow access by any third party to it nor to transmit, lend, lease, sell or otherwise pass it to any such third party whatsoever. Nor will Van-Daaz use such information to initiate unsolicited phone calls or to mail unasked printed material.
Notice: Fields marked with "*" are mandatory; As a rule, however, our experience suggests that inquiries with complete personal information tend to be indicative of a serious intentions. Remember that our commitment to confidentiality is absolute (see above).

-Mr. -Ms. -Mrs. -Dr.

Name (First) : Last *:

Address, Street :

City *: State/Province * :

Zip/Postal Code :

Country * :

Telephone I can be reached at : Area Code : Number :
Extention :

Second Number I may be reached at : Fax :

My E-Mail address is (absolutely required for any response) *:

A second E-Mail address of mine is:

We are anxious to hear from you !

Important: If inquiring about our Diamond Explorer (tm) results--please indicate 3-5 retrieved results to guarantee availability of at least one or two

We will appreciate your cooperation in taking a minute of your time to respond to the following three questions before sending the form to Van-Daaz:

1. a.Where on the Net or on the Web did you encounter our site ?-please mention name of "search engine" or Shopping Mall:

b. I have found you through my search with

-Much Ease -some searching... -Difficulty -Much diffculty & time spent -Accidently...

Which search-value or key-word did you use?

( If you used "Other word or phrase"--Please specify: )

Without jeopardizing our commitement to respond to your inquiry could you also let us know-

2. Are you aware that Van-Daaz is the world's and the Net's very first, truly virtual diamond-dealership with uninterrupted service since 1995 (!) and in a truly safe manner too?

YES NO (Well, now I know...)

3. The reason for your inquiry is:

To shop from Van-Daaz

An after-shopping confirmation OR pre-shopping information (but not from Van-Daaz)

I may buy from Van-Daaz ; If, however, I end up not doing so it may be the case because (please type in white area):

Thank you for your input . We will communicate with you as soon as possible!

To Cancel/Reset -

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All material in all linked Van-Daaz documents is © 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999 Van-Daaz. The labels Van-Daaz, @#1<><>! or @*<><>! or <><>R4U! or @<><>! or @#1 Diamonds! or @ Diamonds are all (TM) 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000